3 Ways to Upgrade and Differentiate Your School Uniforms between Winter and Summer Seasons

As we enter the season of hot chocolate & bonfires, one thing immediately shifts that is School uniforms. It is quite evident that school uniforms are the way that any academy would maintain its decorum. Schools maintain mandatory uniforms because they improve Children’s behavior, build spirit among them, develop a student’s sense of belonging and define the school’s identity. Whether school uniforms are helpful in the child’s personal development or not is a discussion for another day, but one thing is for sure these uniforms need upgrading as per the demand of the season.

Providing that extra layer of protection during winter is essential for the health of kids. Likewise, making comfortable and breathable material is the best choice during the summer season. No matter how much you feel that the change is insignificant, we assure you that distinguishing and assigning different uniforms for seasons is a necessity.

Here are 3 such ways in which schools generally upgrade and differentiate their uniforms between winter and summer seasons.

The summer-suitable cotton fabric is usually something that changes during the winter season. As the summer season approaches Children tend to play out more and need breathable material. But when it comes to the winter Children need an extra layer of protection for heat. The cloth material might also be switched up from regular to woolen material to keep an adequate temperature for children’s health. Woolen fabric or rather fabric with more thread counts traps cold air from the surroundings and acts as an insulator.

Summer uniforms in school generally include belts and socks. But in winter there are a lot of other additions as well. Gloves, caps, and stockings, along with high-length socks, get added to the routine. While there are schools that don’t include stockings and switch them up for leggings instead, the purpose remains the same. To provide warmth in the winter while wearing skirts is essential for girl students. These accessories are usually kept in darker shades of the uniform. This is done to maintain uniformity in the look with the rest of the uniform. Some schools even switch from normal shoes to boots in order to provide that extra layer of comfort.

Switching up the base uniform
The base uniform in terms of material of clothing as well as darker shades of colors to keep the warmth in. While usually, schools opt for the addition of layers and accessories to uniforms, there is a chance that they decide to switch the base uniform itself. Such changes usually include switching from half-shirts to full-sleeve shirts. Or switching skirts for pants in the winter season.  Contrary to summer uniform, winter additions are also darker in color as dark clothes absorb most of the sun’s heat and keep our bodies warm.


These are the most common methods through which schools change up their uniform without making a huge difference.  While the upgradation and differentiation are quite insignificant, it definitely fulfills the purpose of providing warmth to students.

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