3 Ways to Restyle and Differentiate Uniforms amongst Junior and Senior School Students

Individuality in school-going students is quite a growing term and feeling. School uniforms, however, trap this trait and make everyone feel a part of the same group. Uniforms affirm a sense of belonging and affirm the kid’s identity to the school. While research and studies have shown varying results on how school uniforms can foster better academics and students’ behavior, nobody denies restyling an old one to the needs of today. Students are likely to love their uniforms more if they accommodate the new fashion trends and ensure comfort as well. More than restyling, differentiation can help in building hierarchy and associated values as well.


The question remains of how can schools and academicians do it. Here are the top 3 ways how to restyle and differentiate uniforms between junior and senior students.


  1. Involve the stakeholders: A discussion or proposition becomes the best when you try to accommodate the opinions of the stakeholders involved. Parents and their opinions matter more than students. After all, it is them who have to spend their time and energy buying and getting their wards ready. They also are the direct point of contact in knowing how their ward feels about uniforms. This will ensure that the parents who are not financially stable can afford the changes as well.

Hold a meeting to listen to their inputs and styling tips. The feedback and suggestions can definitely add to a fully accepted uniform.


  1. Understand the values: Every school promotes a certain set of values. Sit with the uniform makers and their stylists, who can create the uniforms based on the values, styles, trends, and comfort.  This group will ensure that the restyled uniform is in the best interests of students, the school, and the parents. Try to accommodate colors, prints, and patterns that can speak to your school’s values. 


  1. Understand the purpose: While the growth of junior students may not be as swift as that of seniors, the school need to take the different body types into consideration. Also, the activities and schedule of junior class students are more active than seniors. Juniors are more playful than seniors, who tend to focus their energies on their academics. The uniforms need to accommodate these basic observations. It is often that the sense of belongingness withers away when school uniforms aren’t for the masses. Varying heights, body shapes, age-to-height ratio, and such factors are bound to differ. Making uniforms that are just for specific or limited body shapes or types cannot ever gather the children’s attention. 


In the dynamic world with access to media, it is crucial that students feel a sense of belongingness to their school. The overall growth and personality development depend on tiny factors like comfortable clothing and other important values. Incorporate the above factors to ensure your school’s students grace every occasion of their life.

We at Valji Uniforms ensure that our uniform fabrics are the best in class and offer our customers the right variety to suit their needs.

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