Education today has become more than just school time. It is about staying updated, learning beyond textbooks and enhancing your creativity. Kids are often found struggling between their school studies, extra classes, competitions, hobby classes, etc. It becomes challenging for little kids to discover and deal with their mini-monsters of stress. It is difficult for the parents to make things easier for their children.

Not anymore! We understand your challenges. We have come up with top 5 ways that are effective enough to keep your child stress-free. So let’s get going!

  1. Playing:

Admit it. Sports and playing on field is a great way to not just have fun but de-stress yourself. The joy of winning or the sadness of losing, the energies used while playing actually allow you to de-stress yourself. It calms you, revives your spirits to head on to any challenge that might come your way. Allow kids to play outside too, not just on smartphones.


  1. Household chores:

This might sound burdensome for your kids who are already busy with their plethora of activities but it works. It could involve helping the elderly, watering the plants or organising their belongings. This helps them put their minds to activities other than their school work which in turn, de-stresses them. Find age-appropriate chores for them so you don’t have to supervise them instead of doing your own work.


  1. Healthy food:

Its rightly said that the type and amount of food you consume affects your mood and behaviour. So make sure you not only give your kids healthy food but they truly develop this habit. Few cheat days a month could be allowed.


  1. Digital detox:

This is the most important yet the most challenging task for a parent. Reducing screen time can have a positive effect on one’s mental health, social health and productivity levels. It is important especially when it comes to a better sleep schedule. Try to take away all the screens one hour or at least 30 minutes before sleeping. Its hard but explaining your kids its positive effects on proper sleep, moods, behaviours and all of that will surely work wonders.  


  1. 5.Talk to them:

Kids need their parents at the most unexpected times. Talk to your kids, listen to even their stupidest stories. This will destress them for sure. Also talk to them about dealing with things or people that stress them. This feeling of getting the desired support will definitely workout. Show them that you are always standing by them. Encourage them but don’t push them into activities they don’t enjoy


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